Specializing in Species at Risk insectivore songbirds and native cavity nesting birds. Licensed Provincially by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Federally by Canadian Wildlife Open May to September.
Harrowsmith, ON
For updates check out our Facebook community page Destined to Fly + to see what we do click on Movie Camera icon to see our YouTube Channel.

YouTube Channel
The mission of Destined to Fly is to help wild native baby birds, with the goal that they will survive in the wild.
Destined to Fly is in Harrowsmith, On. located on a mixed terrain, 80 acre retired farm. It is the perfect place to release birds and also is a sanctuary for many native birds including Species at Risk like Eastern Measowlarks, Bobolinks and Barn Swallows
-bird nesting times
-re-nesting if possible
-how to rescue a baby bird
-Only when necessary, do we foster rescued baby birds.
We provide rescued baby birds with the proper shelter, nutrition, introduction to natural food. We provide them with a safe place outside to “learn” how to fly and forage for food prior to release to the wild.
Wildlife rehabilitation is not enough! Destined to Fly is also an 80 acre mixed terrain sanctuary. Birds need somewhere safe to live and thrive.
*We provide nestboxes for cavity nesters.
*We provide habitat that is bird friendly.
*We partake in Citizen Scientist projects helping birds.