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The Little Bird that Could

Baby birds develop very quickly, from hatch to fully feathered and leaving the nest, it only takes 14-21 days. If at any point during that time a baby is not at right temperature, humidity or receive the right nutrition it will not develop properly and will not survive. This is one of the biggest reasons baby birds need to be brought to a songbird rehabber, who has the properly set up incubators and can offer the correct nutrition. This bird was admitted 26 hours after not receiving warmth or nutrition, its 4 nest mates did not make it. In the 12 years of fostering over 100 baby Cedar Waxwings, it didn’t look like a Cedar Waxwing nestling at all. Waxwings are very distinctive, their mouths are a lovely deep red with an iridescence, and this bird’s mouth was beige. Waxwings tail tips are bright yellow or occasionally orange, this bird’s was beige. With warmth, hydration and calories the mouth became the lovely colour it should be. You can even see the red wing tips emerging. The tail will probably be tipped in beige until the bird moults.


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