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Baby Bird School Surviving in the Wild

In the wild, baby songbirds leave the nest within 10-21 days. At Destined to Fly, once the babies leave the nest, our work is not done. They aren't released until they are about 10 weeks old.

Once they leave the nest their parents will teach them what they need to know to survive. We have to set things up that will allow them to learn what they need to know. Using references like the BNA (Birds of North America) we can use the birds' natural history to do this. All of the birds that we care for, except for American Goldfinches eat insects. Some say that Mourning Doves will eat insects, but we have not seen this, but offer them to them. The young birds are attracted to the movement of insects and that helps them to learn how to catch them. We still use mealworms, crickets, waxworms (treat) and fruitflies. We also catch moths and other insects found on branches to help them to learn where they will find food once they are released. As time goes by, we hide insects under leaves, logs and in the soil, challenging the birds to find them. When released they will have not accepted food offered by hand for at least 7 days in a row.

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