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Rescuer of the Year

At this time of the year , it is a great time to look back at some wonderful rescues. It is Award Season after all. The award for the Rescuer of the Year for 2016 goes to Nop, of Peterborough, for going the extra mile and then some.

In early June of 2016 a gentleman, Nop, who lived in Peterborough, found a nest that had fallen from a tree. The nest contained 3 robin nestlings. When he touched the babies they were cold and at first he thought that they were dead. He then noticed one move slightly. He knew that they needed help quickly. He found our number and called us. Peterborough is 170 km (106 miles) from us. He didn't have a car. We gave him the names of other centres in the hope that they may be able to help.

Nop wanted to talk, he was new to Canada and not familiar with wildlife rehabilitation. At some point in the conversation I said that transport was a big problem and it wasn't as if we could just hire taxis to transport baby birds. He was upset but said that he understood and we ended the call.

Imagine my surprise when soon after I got a call from a taxi dispatcher in Peterborough. He had had what he thought was a prank call. A "guy" wanted to hire a taxi to take 3 baby birds to Harrowsmith. I said I was surprised, but that it was not a prank call. 2 1/2 hours later the birds arrived in a taxi cab. Nop had paid $300 to transport them. Another taxi driver, who does a run for special needs children told them about the birds, they called them Winkin', Blinkin and Nod after the nursery rhyme.

They thrived and 10 weeks later they were released here at Destined to Fly.

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